Monday, June 27, 2011

Clinton, BC to Omak, Washington

Tomorrow we will be home.
A few reflections:
v     The fearsome Alaskan mosquito was not a factor
v     We didn’t need a gun or bear spray
v     The roads were better than expected
o       The challenging sections were part of the mystique, we hope they’re never smoothed out
v     Gas management took some forethought, but not too much
o       We only heard the “ding” once
o       Carrying an extra 5 gallons was a precautionary measure, but we didn’t need it
v     Campgrounds are charming, RV parking lots, less so
v     Visitor’s Centers are worth a stop
v     Cell phone coverage was spotty, WiFi was widely available, but often slow
v     Take the side roads, always
v     Bears and bald eagles never get boring
v     Alaska and Yukon Territory are the best kind of zoo
v     One month of togetherness in close quarters? No problem!

Wildlife count: 7 deer
Airstreams: 2
Miles: 277
Gratitudes: PKB: memories JMB: cheap gas at $4.39 in Omak
Final Gin Score: J: 3025 P: 3210

Denali Visitor's Center

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